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Stay up to date on the latest thought leadership, articles, case studies and white papers from OutcomeMD!


Patient Reported Outcomes

Navigating the New CMS PRO-PM Mandates with OutcomeMD The recent PRO-PM (Patient-Reported Outcome Performance Measures) mandate issued by CMS (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services) introduces new requirements for patients undergoing primary Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) and Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) procedures. These mandates impact both the Hospital Inpatient Quality Reporting (IQR) and Ambulatory Surgery Center Quality Reporting (ASCQR) / Hospital Outpatient Quality Reporting (OQR) pro

OutcomeMD Blog Team


Doctor Talks

Every month we have a focus on one of our Implementation Partners; this program was set up to support providers in establishing ICHOM Sets within dail

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Scientific Papers

Imagine being able to revolutionize the way we approach healthcare by using cutting-edge research methods that truly measure the success of treatment

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Patient Reported Outcomes

Compounding pharmacists know they make a significant difference to patient care. From hormone replacement therapy to modified dosage forms that benefi

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Thought Leadership

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Thought Leadership

Read now [https://www.kevinmd.com/2022/05/your-doctors-dont-keep-track-of-what-theyre-doing.html]

OutcomeMD Blog Team


Whether your patients are suffering from chronic pain or acute back pain due to injury, their road to pain relief begins the same way: with quality c

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Case Study

In a highly competitive market, orthopedic surgeons and spine specialists are differentiating their practices through data. By tracking patient-report

OutcomeMD Blog Team


The pandemic has changed the national conversation about mental health in important and permanent ways. One in four adults [https://www.psychiatry.org

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Video Transcript

Watch video now [https://outcomemd.com/videos/a4m.mp4]

OutcomeMD Blog Team


Pulmonology EHRs gather a treasure trove of data. Adverse outcomes. Successful interventions. Confounding factors. These are all collected and stored

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Thought Leadership

When it comes to attracting attention, the giant technology firms have health technology companies beat. This summer alone, two tech billionaires took

OutcomeMD Blog Team

Thought Leadership

Ever pass by a restaurant with less than an “A” rating from the Department of Public Health and make a mental note never to eat there? That letter

Justin Saliman, MD

Founder & CEO

Case Study

Learn how to enhance patient engagement, establish best practices and leverage your outcomes today.

OutcomeMD Blog Team


In this week's episode, we sit down with Dr. Justin Saliman, an orthopedic surgeon and founder and CEO of OutcomeMD, a platform that tracks and measur

Justin Saliman, MD

Founder & CEO

Thought Leadership

There’s an enormous opportunity for medtech startups, and getting a company off the ground is no easy feat. We talked with OutcomeMD founder and CEO

Justin Saliman, MD

Founder & CEO

Patient Engagement

Original article from drchrono Published May 21, 2018 by NickweeFollowing and analyzing outcomes has traditionally been used in FDA studies and clinic

Justin Saliman, MD

Founder & CEO


Join the scientific revolution in patient care and measure what matters.
The Outcome is Everything.

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