Mental Health
Mental health and psychiatric-related patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) facilitate the tracking the frequency and severity of behavioral and emotional symptoms, and their impact on quality of life.
Bipolar disorder
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Social Phobia
Suicide Risk
Mental Health PROM Examples:
All psychiatric conditions
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information
System (PROMIS) validated person-centred measures to track all relevant symptoms including:
Physical function
Pain intensity
Pain interference
Sleep disturbance
Below are links for more information on OutcomeMD’s use of
Additionally, as the technology partner of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM), OutcomeMD works to respect ICHOM’s recommended PROMs for depression and anxiety, psychotic disorders, and personality disorders when possible.
For psychiatric conditions that encompass more than one patient area or domain (stress + anxiety + grief), OutcomeMD has developed clusters of multiple PROs based on validated medical literature. With our PRO clusters, you will always have a comprehensive view of how your patient is progressing.
The value of OutcomeMD to Mental Health:
Enhance the patient experience by engaging them in routine outcome tracking
Patients whose healthcare providers are monitoring their mental health-related outcomes and engage in structured feedback have better outcomes than those who are not [1]
Provide comprehensive care management throughout your patient’s health journeys, during times of remission as well as active illness
Patients with depression still experience function loss and considerable impacts to their lives even when their illness is considered to be in remission [2]
Did your patient have a great outcome? With OutcomeMD, your patients with good outcomes can now publicly celebrate their improvement with ease by posting on their social media accounts (lead generation) and on your review sites (reputation management)!
Cohen RM, Greenberg JM, IsHak WW. Incorporating multidimensional patient-reported outcomes of symptom severity, functioning, and quality of life in the individual burden of illness index for depression to measure treatment impact and recovery in MDD. JAMA Psychiatry 2013;70(3):343–50.
Krägeloh CU, Czuba KJ, Billington DR, Kersten P, Siegert RJ. Using feedback from patient-reported outcome measures in mental health services: a scoping study and typology. Psychiatric Services 2015;66:3.
Need a specific PROM?
We routinely add new, validated PROMs into OutcomeMD to ensure that you can track all patient outcomes that will allow you to optimize care management. If you would like to send your patients a PROM that is not yet available in our software platform, let us know.

Longitudinal and comprehensive
Gain access to longitudinal patient data seamlessly integrating both clinical data and Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs), offering a comprehensive natural history of disease.
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