Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) effectively monitor the health-related quality-of-life impact of gynecological conditions, and also routinely track common gynecological symptoms such as physical function, fatigue and pain.
Menopause symptoms
Polycystic ovarian syndrome
Vaginal infection
OBGYN PROM Examples:
All gynecological conditions including chronic pelvic pain and female sexual function
National Institutes of Health (NIH) Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information
System (PROMIS) validated person-centred measures to track all relevant symptoms including:
Pain behavior
Pain interference
Sleep disturbance
Vaginal discomfort
Below are links for more information on OutcomeMD’s use of
Additionally, as the technology partner of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM), OutcomeMD works to respect ICHOM’s recommended PROMs for pregnancy and childbirth when possible.
For gynecological conditions that encompass more than one patient area or domain (menstrual symptoms + pain behavior + pain intensity), OutcomeMD has developed clusters of multiple PROs based on validated medical literature. With our PRO clusters, you will always have a comprehensive view of how your patient is progressing.
The Value of OutcomeMD to Obstetrics and Gynecology:
Provide comprehensive and long-term care management.
Patient reported outcomes (PROs) demonstrated that patients with ovarian cancer do not eventually resume their usual quality of life after conclusion of their treatment, and instead have significant detrimental changes that may be chronic and permanent, with important implications for the need for patient counselling [1].
Identify and engage in best practices to meet patient needs.
Use of PRO data collection resulted in quality improvement changes at a hospital level, to enhance communication with patients about their procedure and a greater focus on post-operative pain relief following hysterectomy [2].
Did your patient have a great outcome? With OutcomeMD, your patients with good outcomes can now publicly celebrate their improvement with ease by posting on their social media accounts (lead generation) and on your review sites (reputation management)!
1. Massachusetts General Hospital. How patient-reported outcome measures help improve patient care.
2. Devlin NJ, Appleby J. Getting the most out of PROMs: Putting health outcomes at the heart of NHS decision-making. London: The King’s Fund.
Need a specific PROM?
We routinely add new, validated PROMs into OutcomeMD to ensure that you can track all patient outcomes that will allow you to optimize care management. If you would like to send your patients a PROM that is not yet available in our software platform, let us know.

Longitudinal and comprehensive
Gain access to longitudinal patient data seamlessly integrating both clinical data and Patient-Reported Outcomes (PROs), offering a comprehensive natural history of disease.
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