OutcomeMD proms
Find out how to leverage OutcomeMD to get better outcomes and increased patient volume.


Cardiology-related patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) are invaluable in supporting the routine monitoring of patients with symptoms including dyspnea and pain, as well as consequences to physical function and overall quality of life.
Examples of common Cardiology PROMs in OutcomeMD:
ConditionPROM PROM use in literature
  • Arrhythmia-Specific Questionnaire in Tachycardia and Arrhythmia (ASTA)
ASTA use
Atrial Fibrillation
  • Atrial Fibrillation Effect on Quality of Life Questionnaire (AFEQT)
Cardiac Functional Capacity
  • Duke Activity Status Index (DASI)*
DASI use
Chronic Venous Insufficiency
  • VEINES Quality of Life and Symptom Questionnaire (VEINES - QoL/Sym)
VEINES - QoL/Sym use
Coronary Artery Disease
  • Seattle Angina Questionnaire (SAQ)*
  • Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ) -2
  • Rose Dyspnea Scale (RDS)
SAQ usePHQ useRDS use
Peripheral Artery Disease
  • Peripheral Artery Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire (PADQOL)*
PADQoL use
All cardiac conditions
  • National Institutes of Health (NIH) Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS) validated person-centred measures to track all relevant symptoms including:
    • Depression
    • Dyspnea
    • Physical function
    • Fatigue
Below are links for more information on OutcomeMD’s use of
*Copyright permission pending - if interested in this measure, please contact us to discuss possible additional charges associated with this particular instrument

Additionally, as the technology partner of the International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement (ICHOM), OutcomeMD works to respect ICHOM’s recommended PROMs for atrial fibrillation,heart failure, and coronary artery disease when possible.

For cardiovascular conditions that encompass more than one patient area or domain (for example, dyspnea + depression + anxiety + physical function), OutcomeMD has developed clusters of multiple PROs based on validated medical literature. With our PRO clusters, you will always have a comprehensive view of how your patient is progressing.

The value of OutcomeMD to Cardiology:

  • Provide comprehensive care management by supplementing clinical data with self-reported patient data
  • Clinical cardiology measures are essential but have been shown to demonstrate an incomplete characterization of the patient experience1
  • Facilitate outcome-based decision-making through symptom monitoring to identify those who require a change in treatment plan
  • Symptoms predictive of worsening cardiology outcomes are often underreported, limiting clinician understanding of treatment effectiveness2
  • Assess cardiology-related outcomes that are meaningful to your patient
  • Although longevity is often considered the sole goal of treatment, improved quality of life has been named as a significant – and potentially greater - outcome by cardiology patients3
Did your patient have a great outcome? With OutcomeMD, your patients with good outcomes can now publicly celebrate their improvement with ease by posting on their social media accounts (lead generation) and on your review sites (reputation management)!
1Flynn KE, Lin L, Ellis SJ, et al. Outcomes, health policy, and managed care: relationships between patient-reported outcome measures and clinical measures in outpatients with heart failure. Am Heart J 2009;158(4 Suppl):S64-S71.
2Arnold SV, Grodzinsky A, Gosch KL, et al. Predictors of physician under-recognition of angina in outpatients with stable coronary artery disease. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2016;9:554-9.
3Kraai IH, Vermeulen KM, Hillege HL, Jaarsma T. 'Not getting worse' a qualitative study of patients perceptions of treatment goals in patients with heart failure. Appl Nurs Res 2018;39:41-5.
We routinely add new, validated PROMs into OutcomeMD to ensure that you can track all patient outcomes that will allow you to optimize care management. If you would like to send your patients a PROM that is not yet available in our software platform, let us know.
Great Patient Outcomes

With OutcomeMD, your patients with good outcomes can now publicly celebrate their improvement with ease by posting on their social media accounts (lead generation) and on your review sites (reputation management)!


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